Alabama Industrial Epoxy Flooring - Its Use and Advantages in an Industrial Environment

By Guest Author: D. Siva Kumar

Alabama Industries by their very nature require a robust industrial flooring arrangement. In heavy engineering industries, floors may be moved on by forklifts and trucks while in others such as chemical industries, floors may be subject to chemical spillages and the like. In many cases, floors need to have excellent anti-slip properties to ensure the safety of workers and ensure compliance with various regulations. Further, some speciality industries, such as food and beverage industries, require high levels of hygiene and hence the floors must be easy to clean and maintain.

Industrial Epoxy Floors basically refers to a substance formed as a result of mixing a resin with a curator (also called as a hardner). When this is done, a rigid material is formed that has extremely good binding and mechanical properties, yet is resistant to chemicals and wear. When this epoxy material is laid out on a floor for a thickness of about 2 mm, the result is called an epoxy floor. But when the thickness is less than 2 mm, it is simply called an epoxy coating.

One common solution to all these flooring challenges, which can satisfactorily work in a variety of scenarios, is epoxy flooring. Some of the basic types of epoxy floors available in the market that are suitable for industrial applications include self dispensing epoxy floors, mortar epoxy floors, gravelled epoxy floors, anti-static and anti-slip floors. A new type that is gaining traction in the market is epoxy flaked floor. They have coloured chips or flakes inlaid within the floors and these lend a very decorative and aesthetic feel to the floor. They are available in different colours and combinations and their application depends only on the budget and the area to be covered.

Epoxy floors are favoured in industrial environments because they give longer life to an untreated floor and help prevent the floor from getting spoilt by oil and chemical stains. Further, they can be washed easily and offer excellent value for money. They are robust and have sound mechanical, anti-slip properties and good resistance to chemicals. Further, they also give business owners an added benefit of customisation in properties which is not available with other flooring options. Aesthetic designs can be incorporated, if necessary. Epoxy floors are extremely long lasting (anywhere between 15 to 20 years) and thus give good returns on the investment made. The floors are waterproof and prevent water from attacking the substrate beneath. They can be applied on all types of surfaces including concrete and other floor materials and sometimes, even on damaged floors.

But one important point to remember when going for such a solution is to seek professional help. Though many self-help guides are available, the best results are obtained only engaging a professional contractor as they have the expertise to ensure that the substrate and coasting bind effectively with the floor.

With increasing awareness among business owners and newer innovations and chemical resins, flooding the market, the future of the epoxy flooring industry looks very bright.

This article is based on the flooring solutions provided by a company named MPR Technique who are one of the leading flooring solution providers in Chennai.Article Source: Article Source:


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